In theory if I publish the poem referred to in this blog I could be tried for a crime.
As you can find the relevant document easily on the web I don’t have to.
I have provided a link to the poem and the related court case
I will be publishing a Kindle book of his poems in due course so I offer this as a free sample.
Blank Verse
Expectantly I open the book But the page is blank. No words. No verse for me to see. Just a virgin expanse of whiteness Leaping from its depths. The writer's words removed Forever from my sight By mindless morons. Ripped from the bowels of the tome, and Taken away by an ancient law, That decrees free speech is not our right. No chance to test the merits of The writers written work. No means of knowing if it was worthy Of the time I spent in search. Was it such a blasphemy and a libel It had to be banned for all time. The law court judges took this view. I didn’t believe they were serious But the page is still blank of verse For further explanation please click the links. Gay News v Mary Whitehouse The Love That Dares to Speak its name