What a relief. I have had a dripping tap since early December which is obviously largely my fault for not fixing it or hiring someone to come in and fix it sooner. I confess prevarication is a major vice of mine.
I also allow that I am not happy inviting in a tradesman in the current pandemic. Unfortunately the plumber who fitted my new sink and this tap a few years ago is no longer able to work due to illness. I ordered a new tap on eBay without realising it was being shipped from China. Major error that one.
It never arrived and when I queried this the vendor refunded my money without delay.
It took me two hours to change the tap. Amazing how long it takes to remember a DIY process which you haven’t used for years. Changing a tap isn’t that complicated especially if everything works like it is supposed to.
To avoid wasting masses of water I got into the habit of turning off the cold water when I wasn’t using any. As time went on it had gone from a drop every few seconds to a steady drip. Frequent calls from Chris upstairs “Can you put the water on?”. I resisted yelling back; “Yes, Why are you asking?”. Pedantry is another of my faults.
Turning off the water supply is simple. The stop cock is under the kitchen sink. However, this tap has hot water too. You are supposed to be able to turn the valve on the hot supply. Just turn the screw with a flat head screwdriver 90 degrees. This device doesn’t seem to be working so I had to empty the hot water tank. This took about 30 minutes. Yes, I did turn off the boiler before doing this. I don’t have an immersion heater but if I did that would need to be turned off too.
The sink is secured to the workbench with brackets at the front and sides with the back being secured by sealant.
I took the option to replace the tap rather than just a washer as I was concerned that it would take all day to find the correct replacement part. Just as well as the original tap has an insert which looks nothing like a washer (or washers) and so far I haven’t worked out what the part is called or obviously where I can buy one.
The following photographs show the tap and the parts removed. If any reader can advise what the blue device is called or, even better, where I can buy one. I would be much obliged to you if you can forgive the Dickensian language. The lettering says HJ 2016/03
The blue device dismantles further. I think that the blue part that looks like a gasket is the bit that should be renewed.
I have just noticed the basin tap in the bathroom drips. Is it a conspiracy?
Note for my American readers
tap = faucet
boiler = furnace