Just before Christmas I retrieved my tree from last year.  We bought it 3 years ago.

I remember having a conversation with Paddy in which we decided definitely not to bother with any decorations.  When I returned from work there it was decorated with tinsel and lights and complete with a fairy on the top.

After 3 years It is still only about 18 inches high.  I re-potted it last year before returning it to the garden as it was looking a bit sad.  The needles on the lower part of the tree had turned brown and this December I returned to it they were still looking listless and tired.  I brought it in and decorated the tree with the ‘mandatory’ tinsel and lights.  Surprisingly most of the lights still worked but to be honest it looked very sickly.

Unfortunately, my little tree looks dead now and will be in the green bin for recycling this week.

Update.  The tree is showing signs of life.  I will be planting it out as soon as the earth is soft enough.

One evening I took Lucy down the rec’ for her usual exercise and to chase her ball.  She loves that and looks puzzled if I forget the ball.  The exercise is doing her good.  From a fat and overweight dog, she is now a svelte sheepdog.  From a fussy eater she now eats everything I give her.

There, next to the bin was a cardboard box labelled Christmas tree.  Someone had carefully cello-taped the box and left it there, presumably for someone else to use.  Placed near by were a couple of packs of decorations which had never been taken out of their boxes.

I took the artificial tree home and other than the built-in lights fibre optic having failed it is a perfectly good Christmas tree.

This wasn’t the first time I have seem items left next to the bin.  Often they are items of furniture like cupboards or cane chairs.  Surplus to requirements but still useable. It saves the donor arranging removal and the recycled goods may help someone who needs the item.

It occurred to me that I had heard of somewhere that there was a day declared for such practices.

In Germany they sometimes have a Sperrmülltag where anyone can leave items for anyone to take.  Informally such things happen in the UK but without any set rules.

Obviously just leaving stuff out could be considered littering unless, of course, it was on your own drive.

But, what do you think?  Is it a good idea?


UPDATE  I just found this article:




PS I am writing these blogs as part of my training as an Internet Marketer.  My trainer is John Thornhill and he is guiding me to create and sell digital products as well as promoting other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.  We expect to be ready to launch in 60 days




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Retired but by no means finished. Always trying new things. Hoping that Online marketing makes enough to make me and my partner comfortable. We live in Wigan which is a town where several generations on my father's side came from.

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